Surviving turmoil at work

Nouvelle édition disponible
Auteur: Maun, Richard
Editeur: Cyan Books
Publication: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-904879-78-7
e-ISBN: 978-981-4312-54-7
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At last, a practical guide to rid you of the nightmare boss in your life.

Do you have a reasonable, competent, fair-minded and even-tempered boss? Congratulations! You need read no further.

Still with us? Then you are probably one of the vast majority who have problems with your manager. He or she may be difficult, temperamental, even downright brutal, but for the sake of your career (and your sanity), you have to achieve some kind of working relationship. That’s where My Boss is a B@$T@*d comes in.

With a compelling blend of insight, wit and candour, Richard Maun dissects the personality types that make bad bosses and offers practical tips to help you survive everyday encounters with the monster in your office. Forewarned is forearmed: once you have recognised the raw animal nature that lurks beneath that plausible professional exterior – is it lion? Elephant? Crocodile? Or even meerkat? – you’ll be better equipped to escape unscathed from your next brush with the boss. That way, you can learn to rise above the office jungle and move towards a more fulfilling working life. And when it is your turn to be someone else’s boss, you can make sure that you don’t inflict on others the miseries you’ve had inflicted on you.

This book offers a lifeline for anyone suffering from a hostile work environment, and can help you transform the way you communicate and interact with others.
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